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Yuuya Yagira Denies Alleged Suicide Attempt Reports

posted on by Gage

After making headlines for being hospitalized for an overdose of medicine on Friday, 18-year old actor Yuuya Yagira posted a statement about his hospitalization on his official website on Sunday and assured fans that he did not intend on committing suicide. He also apologized for causing widespread concern. He said that he, and not his family, personally called for an ambulance after he felt sick from the overdose. He added that he was discharged from the hospital that same day.

Yagira is best known for starring in Hirokazu Kore-eda's 2004 film Nobody Knows. Yuuya also voiced the lead role in Shinichirō Watanabe's contribution to the Genius Party film anthology in "Baby Blue."

Source: Tokyograph

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