Doujin Work Show to Add Live-Action Dōjinshi-Making
posted on by Egan Loo
The television adaptation of the Doujin Work four-panel comic will include a live-action segment in which the characters voices try to create their own dōjinshi (self-published magazines of manga or other works). The manga and anime tell the story of a girl's initiation into her classmate's dōjinshi-selling group ("circle"), her resulting culture shock, and her eventual acceptance as an otaku. The last half of the television program will challenge the character voices to make dōjinshi of their own. When it airs in July of 2007, the show will feature Masumi Asano (The Melody of Oblivion's Sayoko, .hack games' Black Rose) as the female lead, Najimi Osana. Source: Ultimatum