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9th Japanese Media Arts Festival Winners

posted on by Christopher Macdonald
2005 Japanese Media Arts Festival Grand Prize Winners, Excellence Prize Winners and Encouragement Prize Winners Announced

The winners of the 2005 Japanese Media Arts Festival have been announced. In all, 1,797 works were submitted from inside Japan and around the world.

Four works were given grand prizes in four categories, with 16 more (four per category) given excellence prizes and 4 more (1 per category) given an encouragement prize. Additionally, close to 140 more titles were recommended as excellent works.

Additionally, Osamu Miyawaki was given a special achievement prize for having made a great contribution to the media arts. Miyawaki is the director of the Kaiyodo Figure Museum.

The winners in each category were:

Art Division:
Grand Prize: Khronos Projector by Alvaro Cassinelli
Excellence Prize: The Six String Sonics
Excellence Prize: Spyglass
Excellence Prize: Gate vision
Excellence Prize: ANIMA
Encouragement Prize: Conspiratio

Entertainment Division:
Grand Prize: Flipbook! by Juan Carlos Ospina Gonzalez
Excellence Prize: nintendogs
Excellence Prize: HIFANA "WAMONO"
Excellence Prize: MITSUI FUDOSAN Shibaura Island 3LDK IMAGE MOVIE
Excellence Prize: Vodafone Design File
Encouragement Prize: Incompatible BLOCK

Animation Division:
Grand Prize: Flow by Sumito Sakakibara
Excellence Prize: THE BOOK OF THE DEAD
Excellence Prize: Kamichu!
Excellence Prize: flowery
Excellence Prize: The Old Crocodile
Encouragement Prize: seasons

Manga Division:
Grand Prize: SHISSOU NIKKI /The Great Escape of the Comic Writer by Hideo Aduma
Excellence Prize: Pluto
Excellence Prize: Emma
Excellence Prize: Dragon Zakura
Excellence Prize: a continuous day
Encouragement Prize: E-Cartoon

Details about the winning works can be seen here (Full details will not be added until January).

The full list of recommended works can be seen here.

Of particular interest, the recommended anime were:

Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam: A New Translation -Heirs to the Stars-
The Place Promised in Our Early Days
Fullmetal Alchemist: The Conqueror of Shambala
Speed Grapher
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex - The Laughing Man
Eureka Seven Psalms of Planets
SaiKano: Another Love Song
Tide-Line Blue
Honey and Clover
Futakoi Alternative

And the recommended manga were:

My work is animation!
Mechanized Infantries 8-Fukujin
Inside Darling's Mind
Nodame Cantabile
Hyakki Yakou Shou
Wonder Boy
Yasasii Karada

This article has a follow-up: Yoshiyuki Tomino on 9th Media Arts Festival Entrants (2006-02-12 12:59)
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