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Attack on Titan & Valvrave Themes, Titan-Version Akiko Wada at New Year's Kōhaku (Updated)

posted on by Sarah Nelkin
Linked Horizon, Nana Mizuki, T.M. Revolution perform at annual singing contest

During the Kōhaku Uta Gassen (Red and White Song Battle) New Year's program, a titan version of female singer and Kōhaku mainstay Akiko Wada was unveiled to the audience:

In comparison, here's a picture of Ms. Wada...

A group of singers dressed in the Attack on Titan anime's Survey Corps uniforms performed the choral portions of the song “Guren no Yumiya (Kōhaku Special Ver.)” with Linked Horizon.

Nana Mizuki and T.M. Revolution also performed a combined version of the two Valvrave the Liberator opening themes, "Preserved Rose" and "Kakumeiki Dualism" (Revolutionary Dualism). Both singers wore outfits that changed From Red to white during the performance.

Comedian and animator Tekken also made an appearance, and was prepared to show a special picture show, but was cut off by the daily news. Before being cut off, he commented, “And then Tekken got cut off...”

[Via Hachima Kikō]

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