Here's What a Kumamon Gunpla Would Look Like
posted on by Eric Stimson
Thanks in no small part to the recent anime Gundam Build Fighters, which depicts a world of kids battling each other with their Gunpla, Gunpla has been climbing in popularity recently. Part of the appeal lies in the adaptability of Gunpla — you can modify models into something that looks a little different. So if you've ever wondered what Kumamon would look like as a Gunpla, here's the answer:

Kumamon is a "yuru-chara," the term used for mascot characters of Japan's prefectures, towns, companies and other organizations. Kumamon has taken on a life of its own, appearing in all manner of food packaging, tools, hotel rooms, and at about 2,000 events a year. It's the mascot of Kumamoto Prefecture in Kyushu — appropriately enough, for kuma means "bear."

This model is the work of Aizer, who maintains a Gunpla-oriented blog called mega green oasis + (warning: one picture is risque). It's based off of the Gunpla "Beargguy III," the Gunpla used by China in Gundam Build Fighters. Aizer has accordingly dubbed it "Beargguy III Kumamon version."