Record of Lodoss War Blu-ray Box Includes Artbook By 40 Artists
posted on by Lynzee Loveridge
The limited edition Record of Lodoss War Blu-ray Box set will include a 46-page full color artbook with exclusive drawings by 40 different artists. The artist list includes:
- Kitsune Tennouji (Eden's BoWy, Upotte!)
- CHOCO (Busou Shinki, Infinite Stratos 2 mecha design)
- Shoji Sato (Highschool of the Dead)
- Shikidouji (Full Metal Panic! original character design)
- Kaishaku (Steel Angel Kurumi, Magical Meow Meow Taruto, UFO Ultramaiden Valkyrie)
- Shun Matsuena ( KenIchi the Mightiest Disciple)
- Atsuko Ishida ( Record of Lodoss War animator)
- Hirotaka Akaga (Queen's Blade Irma character designer)
- Tetsuya Ono (Prism Ark original character design)
- Chuuouhigashiguchi (RIN - Daughters of Mnemosyne original character design)
- Takuya Fujima ( Negima!? neo, Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha ViVid, Dog Days)
- Ugetsu Hakua (Burst Angel, The Tower of Druaga original character design)
- Shinsuke Inue (Heavy Object, Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai!)
- Koushi Ichiba (Kengai desu, On Air!)
- Hiroyuki Utatane (Tengoku, Lythtis )
- Junichi Inoue (Chuugoku Yome Nikki)
- Kotamaru (Kodomo Smile!, Usakame Combo!)
- Akihiro Kimura (Joshikousei Nobunaga-chan!!, Super Robot Taisen OG - Divine Wars)
- Erect Sawaru (Seme Chichi)
- minoa (Nitroplus)
- Namiki Sugi (Innocent Grey)
- Nama Niku ATK (Nitroplus)
- Tinn Hisakawa (Shinkonsan Gokko)
- Toru Mizutani (Class Reunion, Miracle Train character design)
- Yasuiriosuke (Let's Fall in Love the Ero-Manga, Shocking Pink!)
- Hisasi (Yukihime, Porno Switch)
- Natsuki Mibu (Gakkou no Himitsu )
- Masahiro Cle (CL-astia)
- Jin Arima (Twinkle Crusaders)
- KeG
- Wiwa
- Keiji Mutō
- Mota
- Ben Ito
- Akisoba
- Noboru Kan'natsuki
- Mahiru Izumi
- Hotori

Customers already have the chance to win a raffle of a replica sword when they purchase the box set from retailer Toranoana. It also includes newly remastered video, a 196-page booklet with full color illustrations with a special cover, and BD packaging drawn by character designer Nobuteru Yuki (Escaflowne, X movie).
Source: Comic Natalie