More Pictures from Japan's Famous Owl Cafes
posted on by Bamboo Dong
Last week, an article posted on Kotaku alerted the world to the delightful existence of owl cafes in Japan. These "fukurou cafes," like Fukurou no Mise ("Owl Shop") and Tori no Iru Cafe ("The Cafe with Birds"), got some media buzz last year, but have since sparked a trend that has seen the opening of even more owl cafes.
While some owl cafes have owl-shaped foods and special owl-themed drinks, or owl merchandise, others even let you pet the owls. Some even encourage owners to bring in their own owls. Others are partnered up with local falconeering societies.
Luckily, for those who don't have the privilege of visiting one of these cafes, you can always live vicariously through the Internet, which has turned up a plethora of cute snapshots of the many owl cafes from various news outlets, blogs, and dedicated Facebook pages.
Here's a collection of some of the most awww-inducing photos.