Find Your Perfect Maid Cafe with Maid+Plus
posted on by Bamboo Dong
For maid enthusiasts, TMS Entertainment's new Maid+Plus mobile-optimized web portal is all about streamlining the decision-making process for which maid cafe to go to.

The website allows users to search maid cafes and their employees by area, average price, girl type, shop type, and other criteria. Searchable attributes for the girls include whether they are anime and video game fans, cosplayers, whether or not they have eyeglasses or pigtails, if they're tsundere, artists, or other types.

There's also a virtual vending machine that dispenses virtual cards featuring various maid cafe employees, which can then be used to vote in online polls. Some cards also give users the chance to receive discounts on certain maid cafes.
The website includes daily, weekly, and monthly rankings of the maids based on user votes.
The site is free to use, but certain features require additional payment.
[Via Yattar Japan. Images from Yattar Japan.]