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Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix E3 Trailer Features Remastered Footage

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HD version of Kingdom Hearts III announcement trailer also posted

The official PlayStation YouTube channel began streaming the E3 trailer for Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix on Tuesday, which features remastered footage from Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix, Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories, and Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days. The game, which is a PlayStation 3 port of Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix and Re: Chain of Memories, and will contain remastered footage and new scenes for 358/2 Days, ships in North America on September 10.

Players who pre-order the game will receive a limited-edition artbook with early sketches, character renders, and final pieces of artwork by director Tetsuya Nomura.

The game shipped in Japan on March 14.

Following the PS4 conference at E3, and the announcement of Kingdom Hearts III Disney has also released an HD version of the trailer shown at the conference:

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