Pokémon X & Y's New Protagonists, New Pokémon Revealed
posted on by Egan Loo

The June issue of Shogakukan's CoroCoro Comic magazine is previewing two new protagonists and four new Pokémon from this October's Pokémon X and Pokémon Y games next week. As in earlier games, the player can choose to make the protagonist male or female, but the player can also choose the protagonist's look by changing his or her appearance.

The game features the "naughty" Pokémon Yanchamu (fighting type), the "robin" Pokémon Yayakoma (normal, flying types), the "electric" Pokémon Erikiteru (electric, normal types), and the "riding" Pokémon Gōgōto (Gogoat, grass type). There are more details of three previously revealed Pokémon — Chespin (Harrimaron), Fennekin (Fokko), and Froakie (Keromatsu). They will be the player's first partner choices in the game.
CoroCoro Comic is also revealing the previously unknown land of Karosu, the setting of the new games' adventures. At the center of Karosu is Miare City, and the player can ride through the city with Gōgōto.
The Pokémon X and Pokémon Y games will launch on the Nintendo 3DS worldwide this October.
[Via Huuraibou (link 2), Hachima Kikō]