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Yuka Iguchi, Kana Asumi, Yui Ogura Lead Yama no Susume Cast

posted on by Egan Loo
4th cast member to be announced for Shiro's story of mountain-climbing girls

The October issue of Comic Earth Star magazine revealed three of the main cast members of the 2013 Yama no Susume anime on Wednesday:

The Comic Earth Star issue also noted is that the voice of Kaede, the fourth member of the main cast "will be announced soon." The studio 8-Bit (Aquarion Evol, Infinite Stratos) is producing the anime.

Shiro's original manga tells the story of the childhood friends Aoi, a girl who prefers staying inside and who has acrophobia, and Hinata, a girl who loves mountains. The two decide to climb a mountain in order to once again see the morning sun from its peak, as they did when they were young.

[Via Akiba Jigoku!]

Update: Linked to correct Yui Ogura's Encyclopedia entry. Thanks, reggie.

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