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Live Streams of Vocaloid Drawing Session Planned

posted on by Ko Ransom
Illustrators TNSK, Hidari, Tsukasa Ryugu scheduled to appear at September event

The Platina anime and illustration-related news website has announced that they will host an event titled "Drawing with Wacom Live! 2012 feat. Vocaloid Important Producer" on September 23 in Tokyo's Good Smile & Karaoke no Tetsujin Cafe. The event is also scheduled to be streamed on both the Nico Nico Douga video service as well as through Ustream.

The event will feature the artists TNSK, Hidari, and Tsukasa Ryugu performing live drawings on Wacom Cintiq 24HD Touch tablets. All three illustrators are known for their Vocaloid-related work. The event will also feature DJ sets by the Vocaloid composer Hachiōji-P and others with VJ backing by Vocaloid video creators Wakamura-P and Mie no Hito.

Platina has previously posted live drawing videos by the three illustrators as a part of their "Drawing with Wacom" series of articles.

[Via Hatsune Miku Miku]

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