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Biglobe Poll: Most Anticipated Summer 2012 Anime

posted on by Ko Ransom
Kokoro Connect, second season of Yuruyuri top voters' expectations

The Japanese Internet service provider BIGLOBE posted the results on Thursday of a survey on the most anticipated anime series for the upcoming summer season. This is not an official BIGLOBE survey, but a survey conducted by a user named "Iincho" under BIGLOBE's Anime Ranking Maker system.

Among the 4,065 self-selected responses from users of BIGLOBE's Anime One portal site, these were the top 24 choices:

Rank Title Votes
1 Kokoro Connect 360
2 Yuruyuri♪♪ (Season 2) 343
3 Kono Naka ni Hitori, Imōto ga Iru! 335
4 Dog Days′' (Season 2) 318
5 Sword Art Online 309
6 Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere Season 2 221
6 Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse 221
8 Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai. 191
9 Hagure Yūsha no Estetica 184
10 Rinne no Lagrange: Season 2 171
11 Oda Nobuna no Yabō 170
12 Tari Tari 148
13 Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate 143
14 Hakuōki Reimeiroku 139
15 Binbougami ga! 132
16 Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita 124
17 Campione! 107
18 Joshiraku 101
19 Moyashimon Returns 100
20 Arcana Famiglia 72
21 Chōyaku Hyakunin Isshu: Uta Koi 59
22 Upotte!! 46
23 Ebiten 41
24 Natsuyuki Rendezvous 30

The poll was held between May 24-31.

[Via Ota-Suke]

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