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Achi Kocchi OP, ED Performers Announced

posted on by Ko Ransom
Cast of romantic comedy anime to sing show's opening, ending

A release posted on Friday revealed details on the opening and ending songs for the television anime adaptation of Ishiki's Acchi Kocchi (Place to Place) manga.

The opening, "Acchi de Kocchi de," will be performed by Acchi⇔Kocchi, a group consisting of Rumi Ookubo, Hitomi Nabatame, Kaori Fukuhara, Nobuhiko Okamoto, and Shintarō Asanuma, all voice actors in the series. The song will be written by Hakase and composed by ARM (Dream Eater Merry ED). Rumi Ookubo will also perform the ending, "Te o Gyutto Shite ne."

The anime will premiere on the TBS and BS-TBS stations next April. The story of the original four-panel manga follows a tsundere (initially aloof and abrasive, but later kind-hearted) girl named Tsumiki, the most unsociable eyeglasses-wearing boy named Io, and their classmates.

Source: Presepe

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