Project: New Future
Twelve-year-old Mitsuki Kouyama is a girl with a dream. She loves to sing with all her heart, and she wants to touch the world with her delicate voice. Between Mitsuki and her dream is cancer—a tumor in her throat that puts her life and voice in peril. Given only one year to live, she struggles through each day with little hope as her dream begins to fade.
But a miracle saves Mitsuki. Two spirits visit the young girl, befriending her and giving her hope. With their power she can challenge fate and reach for her dream. She finds a new future.
"Full Moon wo Sagashite" is fictional, but the story of Mitsuki Kouyama is one shared by tens of thousands of children across the country. One in every 330 children in the United States develops cancer before age nineteen. Killing more children than any other disease, cancer strips children of the chance to fulfill their dreams. And while today's research and treatment can give these children a fighting chance, money and medicine are not always enough to save them. For children like Mitsuki, the only hope is a miracle.
That's where you come in.
The healing power of the human spirit, as so many doctors will attest, is unmatched. It offers strength, love, and hope when such qualities are most needed. We're asking you to channel that power.
What can you do? Spend some time with a child who's fighting cancer. Volunteer at a local hospital, or help out at a local camp for cancer-stricken kids. Invite your friends and family to do the same. Below is a list of youth cancer events, sorted by region, to get you started. If you're having trouble finding something in your area, let us know, and we'll help you in the right direction.
By giving your time to befriend a child with cancer, both of you will have memories to cherish forever. It's a life-changing experience, and one you'll definitely want to share with others. After you've volunteered your time, tell us about it—how you felt, what you learned, and whether you'd do it again. We'll post the letters we receive, and we'll also send you an anime DVD or manga, compliments of the North American anime industry.
The staff of Anime News Network pledges to spend 100 hours this year making friends with children who have cancer. Representatives of TOKYOPOP, FUNimation, Bandai Entertainment, Dark Horse Comics, Urban Vision, Animerica, The Right Stuf International, and Central Park Media have graciously contributed DVDs, trade paperbacks, and magazine subscriptions to this cause.
Cancer brings children a future of suffering and death. Together we can help them find a new future.
Jonathan Mays
Senior Editor
Anime News Network
7/26/04: ADV Films has joined Project: New Future!
7/23/04: Project: New Future welcomes Central Park Media to the team!
What is Project: New Future?
An initiative to unite the anime industry in support of children with cancer.
Why create it?
Anime fans are a passionate group, and their numbers in North America have become quite formidable. It's time to take advantage of our common interest to do something worthwhile for the North American community.
Why kids with cancer?
Children are the most important part of our community, and cancer is among the greatest threats to their lives today.
How can I help?
Contact a children's hospital or camp in your area (use our list to search), and tell them you'd like to spend some time with a child who has cancer. Kids appreciate regular visitors more, but even one short stay is enough to help a child feel better. If you have any trouble finding somewhere to volunteer, contact us (newfutureproj at for help.
Once you've spent some time with a child, e-mail us about the experience. Please include your name. and address so we can send you a DVD or graphic novel as a gift. Also, please include the name of the hospital or camp that you visited and the name of a staff member, volunteer, or nurse who helped you.
Can I donate money to the cause?
We'd rather you donate your time, so please don't send us any money directly. If you would like to contribute to cancer research, the American Cancer Society allows you to donate online. Please be sure to specify how you would like your money to be used.
Why is it called "Project: New Future?"
"New Future" is the name of the inspirational Full Moon wo Sagashite theme song, and this is a project to capture the spirit of that song.
List of camps and children's hospitals (US & Canada)
Letters from project participants
Special Thanks

But a miracle saves Mitsuki. Two spirits visit the young girl, befriending her and giving her hope. With their power she can challenge fate and reach for her dream. She finds a new future.
"Full Moon wo Sagashite" is fictional, but the story of Mitsuki Kouyama is one shared by tens of thousands of children across the country. One in every 330 children in the United States develops cancer before age nineteen. Killing more children than any other disease, cancer strips children of the chance to fulfill their dreams. And while today's research and treatment can give these children a fighting chance, money and medicine are not always enough to save them. For children like Mitsuki, the only hope is a miracle.
That's where you come in.
The healing power of the human spirit, as so many doctors will attest, is unmatched. It offers strength, love, and hope when such qualities are most needed. We're asking you to channel that power.
What can you do? Spend some time with a child who's fighting cancer. Volunteer at a local hospital, or help out at a local camp for cancer-stricken kids. Invite your friends and family to do the same. Below is a list of youth cancer events, sorted by region, to get you started. If you're having trouble finding something in your area, let us know, and we'll help you in the right direction.
By giving your time to befriend a child with cancer, both of you will have memories to cherish forever. It's a life-changing experience, and one you'll definitely want to share with others. After you've volunteered your time, tell us about it—how you felt, what you learned, and whether you'd do it again. We'll post the letters we receive, and we'll also send you an anime DVD or manga, compliments of the North American anime industry.
The staff of Anime News Network pledges to spend 100 hours this year making friends with children who have cancer. Representatives of TOKYOPOP, FUNimation, Bandai Entertainment, Dark Horse Comics, Urban Vision, Animerica, The Right Stuf International, and Central Park Media have graciously contributed DVDs, trade paperbacks, and magazine subscriptions to this cause.
Cancer brings children a future of suffering and death. Together we can help them find a new future.
Jonathan Mays
Senior Editor
Anime News Network
7/26/04: ADV Films has joined Project: New Future!
7/23/04: Project: New Future welcomes Central Park Media to the team!
What is Project: New Future?
An initiative to unite the anime industry in support of children with cancer.
Why create it?
Anime fans are a passionate group, and their numbers in North America have become quite formidable. It's time to take advantage of our common interest to do something worthwhile for the North American community.
Why kids with cancer?
Children are the most important part of our community, and cancer is among the greatest threats to their lives today.
How can I help?
Contact a children's hospital or camp in your area (use our list to search), and tell them you'd like to spend some time with a child who has cancer. Kids appreciate regular visitors more, but even one short stay is enough to help a child feel better. If you have any trouble finding somewhere to volunteer, contact us (newfutureproj at for help.
Once you've spent some time with a child, e-mail us about the experience. Please include your name. and address so we can send you a DVD or graphic novel as a gift. Also, please include the name of the hospital or camp that you visited and the name of a staff member, volunteer, or nurse who helped you.
Can I donate money to the cause?
We'd rather you donate your time, so please don't send us any money directly. If you would like to contribute to cancer research, the American Cancer Society allows you to donate online. Please be sure to specify how you would like your money to be used.
Why is it called "Project: New Future?"
"New Future" is the name of the inspirational Full Moon wo Sagashite theme song, and this is a project to capture the spirit of that song.
List of camps and children's hospitals (US & Canada)
Letters from project participants
Special Thanks

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