Genshiken (TV)
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Episode titles:
1. |
Study of the Modern Visually-Oriented Culture
gendai niokeru shikaku wo chuushin to shita bunka no kenkyuu
2. |
Comparative Classification of the Modern Youth Through Consumption and Entertainment
shouhi to yuukyou niyoru gendai seishounen no hikaku bunrui
3. |
Problems and Merits of Local Culture Promotion
chiiki bunka shinkou no mondai ten to sono kouseki
4. |
The Sublimating Effects of the Dissimilation Brought on Through Makeup and Costume on Mental Obstacles
funsou to kasou no ika niyoru shinri teki shouheki no shouka sayou
5. |
Limits of Rejection and Reception as Observed in Autonomous Behaviour
jiritsu koudou ni miru haiseki to juyou no kyoukai
6. |
Theory of the Individual Outside the Boundaries of the Subculture
SABUKARUCHAA wo meguru tasha to no kankeiron
7. |
Aspects of Behavioral Selection in Interpersonal Relationships
taijin kankei niokeru koudou sentaku no tokuchou
8. |
Comparative Research in Production Models and Processes
ryousan gata seizou katei ni okeru hikaku kenkyuu
9. |
Concerning the Existence of an Expository Requirement under Special Non-social Circumstances
tokushu heisa joukyou ka ni okeru setsumei gimu no umu nitsuite
10. |
Leisure Time Expenditures on Fetishism Considered as an Economic Result
keizai kouka kara kangaeru yoka shouhi no FETISHIZUMU
11. |
The Theory of the Existence of Malice Within Urban Crimes
toshi gata hanzai ni okeru akui no shozairon
12. |
The Countermeasures for the Issues that Occur during the Reorganization of a Group
soshiki no sai kouchiku ji ni hassei suru kadai to taisaku
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