The Edit List
Pilot Candidate - ep. 2: In Tune
by Kyle Pope,
Pilot Candidate, Episode 2: In Tune
1. Not an Edit... Title "Candidate for Goddess" still retained. (I will presume this to be a given in future episodes.)
2. Woman in the Light first wears a digital bikini followed by a full digital uniform.
3. Clay's pause while awaiting Hiead's answer cut.
4. Hijikata's cigarette again turned into a toothpick.
5. Narrator's "Candidate for Goddess" changed to "Pilot Candidate" in preview. (They really need to decide on the title of this show.)
They're getting good with that Inferno machine. It seems they've graduated beyond digitally applying a simple strip of color over problematic areas and can now completely dress a nude character in any fashion they'd like.