Anime Expo 2007
Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles' Tommy Yune Pied
by Christopher Macdonald,
On Sunday, July 2, Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles director Tommy Yune was pied in the face by a disgruntled Robotech fan. The fan in question, a Mr. Schiller who uses the online moniker "Khyron Prime," is well known to Harmony Gold and had previously been banned from the forums.
According to Harmony Gold, Steve Yun (Harmony Gold's webmaster and Tommy Yune's brother) was the original target for the pie. However, Yune was instead targeted. Schiller states in his blog that Steve Yun was to be the primary target, and Yune would be attacked if Steve Yun was unavailable.
"Cameras will be used while Steve Yun will be marked as the primary target. Given his unavailability, the secondary target will be used—Tommy Yune, also a top-tier member of Harmony Gold's Robotech-wrecking staff. In lieu of the first two, Kevin McKeever shall be disgraced and be allowed to be seen in the public eye."
However Harmony Gold suggested that Schiller may have changed targets after being humiliated at the Robotech panel. Schiller reportedly asked Yune if Shadow Chronicles was splitting and otherwise adversely affecting Robotech fandom. Yune responded by asking the audience who still believes in Robotech, to which Harmony Gold reported that many fans applauded.
Schiller reportedly walked up to the Robotech booth in the Anime Expo exhibit hall and requested to speak with Yune on camera. He then proceeded to hit Yune in the face with a cream pie. Shortly after, Yune picked up the pie and returned the favor. Yune then requested that they both pose for a photo together. (The photo was taken by Steve Yun).

Veronica Hernandez, the Exhibits Manager of Anime Expo, has stated that Schiller has been permanently banned from Anime Expo.
In an unrelated Robotech development, Harmony Gold confirmed that Shadow Chronicles story co-writer Tom Bateman and producer Alan Letz are no longer with the company.
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