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NEWS: France's Angoulême Comics Festival Displays Comfort Women Manhwa

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Joined: 23 May 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 11:33 pm Reply with quote
Yeah, I remember hearing about this on KBS World. But kinda nice for ANN to report on it.
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Joined: 01 May 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 12:01 am Reply with quote
Heheheh, don't forget just a few days ago:


  • Katsuto Momii, the new head of NHK, caused a media storm just days after taking over the reins of the Japanese national broadcaster after remarking that the use of wartime sex slaves were not particular to Japan.

    Speaking at his first press conference as NHK chairman, Momii said the Japanese army’s use of so-called “comfort women” during World War II was common practice in any country at war.

    “The comfort women system is considered wrong under today’s moral values. But the military comfort women system existed as a reality at that time,” Momii said, adding that international anger was “puzzling.”

    “Such women could be found in any nation that was at war, including France and Germany.”

That's why there's this skirmish right now.
(At least they haven't said anything about Harry Potter and Nazis yet.)
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 12:14 am Reply with quote
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Joined: 24 Dec 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 12:26 am Reply with quote
Interesting response from the Japanese government.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 1:36 am Reply with quote
I know Japan was in the wrong, but it seems like Korean groups are just trying to kick the Japanese when they're down, because of the Fukushima disaster.
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Joined: 01 Feb 2014
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 2:57 am Reply with quote
South Korea and their BS again. Japan has already said it's fair share on this matter countless times and even paid compensation to the woman who were allegedly involved in the incident. However, the South Korean government used that money to fuel more propaganda instead of giving it to the woman who demanded the compensation.

This is exactly like how China's claim that Japan has not mended it's ways when they have already apologized countless number of times over the past few decades.

Also, if you were to actually read history textbooks from South Korea, China and Japan, you'd know that Japan's textbooks are the most neutral and least biased out of the 3 countries.
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Joined: 26 Jan 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 3:22 am Reply with quote
It's probably important to point out that the "Japanese" booth that the French organizers politely evicted was that of a publisher (NextDoor publishers, inc.) specializing in far right propaganda in the form of manga e-books, and affiliated with the fringe religious cult Happy Science (which anime fans may be familiar with due to their propaganda movies like the Rebirth of Buddha).

That the Sankei Shimbun would gloss over this fact by referring to those rightwing nutcases as "the Japanese side" is entirely unsurprising, but I'm a bit more surprised that the Mainichi article doesn't make that fact clear.
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Mister Ryan Andrews

Joined: 28 Jan 2014
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 5:03 am Reply with quote
enurtsol wrote:
Heheheh, don't forget just a few days ago:


  • Katsuto Momii, the new head of NHK, caused a media storm just days after taking over the reins of the Japanese national broadcaster after remarking that the use of wartime sex slaves were not particular to Japan.

    Speaking at his first press conference as NHK chairman, Momii said the Japanese army’s use of so-called “comfort women” during World War II was common practice in any country at war.

    “The comfort women system is considered wrong under today’s moral values. But the military comfort women system existed as a reality at that time,” Momii said, adding that international anger was “puzzling.”

    “Such women could be found in any nation that was at war, including France and Germany.”

That's why there's this skirmish right now.

Well.. he's not exactly wrong. Pretty much every country were raping women that back in the day, or not-so-back-in-the-day like in Iraq. War is pretty terrible in general and people do awful things when they're conditioned to see opposing sides as enemies rather than human beings.
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Joined: 01 Feb 2014
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 5:36 am Reply with quote
Mister Ryan Andrews wrote:
enurtsol wrote:
Heheheh, don't forget just a few days ago:


  • Katsuto Momii, the new head of NHK, caused a media storm just days after taking over the reins of the Japanese national broadcaster after remarking that the use of wartime sex slaves were not particular to Japan.

    Speaking at his first press conference as NHK chairman, Momii said the Japanese army’s use of so-called “comfort women” during World War II was common practice in any country at war.

    “The comfort women system is considered wrong under today’s moral values. But the military comfort women system existed as a reality at that time,” Momii said, adding that international anger was “puzzling.”

    “Such women could be found in any nation that was at war, including France and Germany.”

That's why there's this skirmish right now.

Well.. he's not exactly wrong. Pretty much every country were raping women that back in the day, or not-so-back-in-the-day like in Iraq. War is pretty terrible in general and people do awful things when they're conditioned to see opposing sides as enemies rather than human beings.

This. Also, he's not a even a freaking politician. So what now, we're going to scrutinize the words of every single individual. I swear, only the Japanese get scrutinized for crap like this and that is freaking ridiculous. Nobody's saying what they did during WW2 was right but sheesh, talk about dwelling on the past.

Where countries like Taiwan, Indonesia, Malayasia, Singapore and etc(countries that were under Japanese rule in WW2) have moved on and have extremely good relations with Japan, South Korea and China just love to get stuck in the past.

What's even more ironic is that there were many South Koreans who volunteered to serve the Japanese Imperial army, one of which is the father of SKorean's current president, Park Guen Hye.
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Joined: 01 May 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 5:49 am Reply with quote
Mister Ryan Andrews wrote:
enurtsol wrote:
Heheheh, don't forget just a few days ago:


  • Katsuto Momii, the new head of NHK, caused a media storm just days after taking over the reins of the Japanese national broadcaster after remarking that the use of wartime sex slaves were not particular to Japan.

    Speaking at his first press conference as NHK chairman, Momii said the Japanese army’s use of so-called “comfort women” during World War II was common practice in any country at war.

    “The comfort women system is considered wrong under today’s moral values. But the military comfort women system existed as a reality at that time,” Momii said, adding that international anger was “puzzling.”

    “Such women could be found in any nation that was at war, including France and Germany.”

That's why there's this skirmish right now.

Well.. he's not exactly wrong. Pretty much every country were raping women that back in the day, or not-so-back-in-the-day like in Iraq. War is pretty terrible in general and people do awful things when they're conditioned to see opposing sides as enemies rather than human beings.

Sure, though Japan's was state-sanctioned well-oiled machine, and that's not "common practice in any country at war." (Brothels exist, but those are voluntary.)
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Joined: 25 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 6:07 am Reply with quote
As some say before, the use of comfort women was extremely common, to the point it was necessary. During WWII, soldiers from any nation stationed at different countries were bound to stress over due to the imminent threat of death, injury, and being captured by the opposite side, and not only about themselves, but their fellow soldiers and friends, as well as the fact they were far from home and their families. Due to this, the many governments sent money and women to these soldiers, so that they'd forget about their own problems, or at least ease them by means of sex, women, and other forms of "entertainment" (remember those singers going from camp to camp? There was even a movie about this).

This, however, didn't take into consideration the other party, in other words, those who were supposed to offer said "entertainment". In many cases, they weren't even paid, but were forced to do it either because the country told them it was for "their country and the future", or because they were taken and abused (though records may show them as being paid for).

Because of the above, I was VERY surprised that Korea would demand compensation and apologies from Japan due to the comfort women used by the Japanese government at the time, it's as if the Koreans never used comfort women, which is obviously false. At the same time, Japan offered apologies at the time WWII ended, as well as recently, when they didn't have to (unless new information surfaces revealing stuff they didn't apologise and pay for).
The Japanese have done inhumane things during WWII, and before that, but I believe they have already paid for them, and dearly, by Little Boy and Fat Man. Due to these, they even changed the whole philosophy of their country and their society. What's more, most of the people who did those decisions that doomed so many people are dead, and their ideals with them; today's Japan has only a faint trace of the "evil" of that time, and they can't be held responsible for things that were not in their power to control, all those things being in the past, when most of the present-day Japanese weren't even born.

Then again, I, and most probably all of these people that keep raising the issue about comfort women from Korea have too little information, and as such, both sides (Japan and Korea) have the same value in my eyes, and should have the same value in everyone's eyes, at least, until official documents on the matter are presented or found, and publicly released; the same goes for any testimonies that surface, their stories must be proven to be believable.
Until that time, though, and only if the documents prove the Japanese government did much more damage than what the other countries did, in regards to comfort women, all the talks from the Koreans will be nonsense.

Stop beating the dead horse to ashes already, is what I'd tell them. Give us facts, not demands about apologies and compensations.
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Joined: 17 Jul 2011
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 7:32 am Reply with quote
Hate is a useful tool for politicians of all stripes, in all countries.

It can be used to stir up the "masses" to a rage against whoever or whatever it is that is the "other" in the moral play being staged at the moment.

The downside to this is that hate has a nasty habit of violently consuming those that seek to use it.

Still people always seem to go back to it, time and time again.

Mark Gosdin
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Joined: 01 Feb 2014
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 10:40 am Reply with quote

Oh my God, are you serious?
It was "necessary"!? You have obviously no idea what you are talking about. I'm studying Japanese Langage and culture at University, I have read documents about "Comfort Women" that made me cry. There were children, little girls raped by dozens of men, until they bled to death, and you call that "necessary"?? Do you really think mothers and their young girls who were raped side by side would care about being payed?!? I can't believe what i just read.

10000 Women were systematically raped. You could also say, "why are people still complaining about the Holocaust, it happened in other countrys too" NO! Both cases are absolutely singular in their organized cruelity.

And as long as the Yasukuni-shrine in its current form (museum!) exists, as long as japanese people are denying what happend during WWII, every Korean, Chinese and people of the many other country who suffered under the Japanese have every right to voice their protest!
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 10:59 am Reply with quote
I have been really surprised to the amount of people who have an opposite opinion to you. I am completely on your side.
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Joined: 23 May 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 11:31 am Reply with quote
enurtsol wrote:
Heheheh, don't forget just a few days ago:


  • Katsuto Momii, the new head of NHK, caused a media storm just days after taking over the reins of the Japanese national broadcaster after remarking that the use of wartime sex slaves were not particular to Japan.

    Speaking at his first press conference as NHK chairman, Momii said the Japanese army’s use of so-called “comfort women” during World War II was common practice in any country at war.

    “The comfort women system is considered wrong under today’s moral values. But the military comfort women system existed as a reality at that time,” Momii said, adding that international anger was “puzzling.”

    “Such women could be found in any nation that was at war, including France and Germany.”

That's why there's this skirmish right now.
(At least they haven't said anything about Harry Potter and Nazis yet.)

I'm aware of that too. I just recalled reading that the NHK chief has now apologized over the comfort women controversy according to Japan Today. I also read the news that US House Committee Chief Visits Statue Honoring Sex Slave Victims just recently. Yeah well Japan has been taking a step backward when it comes to history and territory disputes. I mean ever since Prime Minister Abe visited Yasukuni Shrine, relation between South Korea and Japan strain. I mean Japan has been going backward when it comes to history:

Foreign Minister condemns Japan over comfort Women

Prime Minister Abe ignore UN advice on sex slavery

Seoul protest Japan's Dokdo claim in teaching manual

GATSU wrote:
I know Japan was in the wrong, but it seems like Korean groups are just trying to kick the Japanese when they're down, because of the Fukushima disaster.

This wouldn't have happened if Prime Minister Abe hasn't visited the Yasukuni Shrine and the current administration stop claiming that Dokdo/Tsushima Island belong to Japan when according to scholars and an old Japanese map, it marked Dokdo/Tsushima Island as Korean territory.

chronos02 wrote:
As some say before, the use of comfort women was extremely common, to the point it was necessary. During WWII, soldiers from any nation stationed at different countries were bound to stress over due to the imminent threat of death, injury, and being captured by the opposite side, and not only about themselves, but their fellow soldiers and friends, as well as the fact they were far from home and their families. Due to this, the many governments sent money and women to these soldiers, so that they'd forget about their own problems, or at least ease them by means of sex, women, and other forms of "entertainment" (remember those singers going from camp to camp? There was even a movie about this).

This, however, didn't take into consideration the other party, in other words, those who were supposed to offer said "entertainment". In many cases, they weren't even paid, but were forced to do it either because the country told them it was for "their country and the future", or because they were taken and abused (though records may show them as being paid for).

Because of the above, I was VERY surprised that Korea would demand compensation and apologies from Japan due to the comfort women used by the Japanese government at the time, it's as if the Koreans never used comfort women, which is obviously false. At the same time, Japan offered apologies at the time WWII ended, as well as recently, when they didn't have to (unless new information surfaces revealing stuff they didn't apologise and pay for).
The Japanese have done inhumane things during WWII, and before that, but I believe they have already paid for them, and dearly, by Little Boy and Fat Man. Due to these, they even changed the whole philosophy of their country and their society. What's more, most of the people who did those decisions that doomed so many people are dead, and their ideals with them; today's Japan has only a faint trace of the "evil" of that time, and they can't be held responsible for things that were not in their power to control, all those things being in the past, when most of the present-day Japanese weren't even born.

Then again, I, and most probably all of these people that keep raising the issue about comfort women from Korea have too little information, and as such, both sides (Japan and Korea) have the same value in my eyes, and should have the same value in everyone's eyes, at least, until official documents on the matter are presented or found, and publicly released; the same goes for any testimonies that surface, their stories must be proven to be believable.
Until that time, though, and only if the documents prove the Japanese government did much more damage than what the other countries did, in regards to comfort women, all the talks from the Koreans will be nonsense.

Stop beating the dead horse to ashes already, is what I'd tell them. Give us facts, not demands about apologies and compensations.

I seem to agreed with Natsu_of_TeamSummerB and mewpudding101!!! I read a book about comfort women and it was a horrible crimes that Japan did back during WW2. Although Japan has apologized numerous times, but the problem is the current administration in Japan seem to be taking a step backward. This is what I hate about the Japanese right-wing politic, they seem to stick in the past and said what they did to Korea, China, and other part of Asia is justified. It's no wonder why Japan has racial/xenophobia issue.

InuKen wrote:
South Korea and their BS again. Japan has already said it's fair share on this matter countless times and even paid compensation to the woman who were allegedly involved in the incident. However, the South Korean government used that money to fuel more propaganda instead of giving it to the woman who demanded the compensation.

This is exactly like how China's claim that Japan has not mended it's ways when they have already apologized countless number of times over the past few decades.

Also, if you were to actually read history textbooks from South Korea, China and Japan, you'd know that Japan's textbooks are the most neutral and least biased out of the 3 countries.

InuKen wrote:

Well.. he's not exactly wrong. Pretty much every country were raping women that back in the day, or not-so-back-in-the-day like in Iraq. War is pretty terrible in general and people do awful things when they're conditioned to see opposing sides as enemies rather than human beings.

This. Also, he's not a even a freaking politician. So what now, we're going to scrutinize the words of every single individual. I swear, only the Japanese get scrutinized for crap like this and that is freaking ridiculous. Nobody's saying what they did during WW2 was right but sheesh, talk about dwelling on the past.

Where countries like Taiwan, Indonesia, Malayasia, Singapore and etc(countries that were under Japanese rule in WW2) have moved on and have extremely good relations with Japan, South Korea and China just love to get stuck in the past.

What's even more ironic is that there were many South Koreans who volunteered to serve the Japanese Imperial army, one of which is the father of SKorean's current president, Park Guen Hye.

Well Japan (or the current administration that is running the country) has brought it upon themselves for bringing up regional tension between China and South Korea. I read it yesterday that former prime minister Tomiichi Murayama condemn Abe's visit to the Yasukuni Shrine calling it a "betrayal of his country".
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