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Dark Sols: Prepare to Crowdfund Edition

by Zac Bertschy,

ANNCast 153 - Dark Sols: Prepare to Crowdfund Edition

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Sam Pinansky returns to tell us more about his soon-to-be-launched anime streaming and crowdsourcing initiative, Anime Sols. Also: Justin and Zac chat Spring 2013 and Evangelion: 3.33: Nobody Seems To [Like] This Movie!

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Also: if you like the show (or don't like the show, I guess) be sure to write us up a review over on iTunes! It'd be a big help!

NSFW Language Warning: Yes, plenty. And often!

ANNCast Episode 153 Breakdown

00:30 Justin and Zac shoot the breeze about spring 2013 and Evangelion: 3.33

37:43 Sam Pinansky introduction and Anime Sols

01:23:00 SAM introduces some new titles for Anime Sols!

And that's it! See you next week.

Have questions for the ANNCast crew? Tweet 'em to @ANNZac! Or check out the community forums thread about the show, or send email questions to zac@animenewsnetwork dot com!

Theme Song: "Bucharest" by The New Division. Check them out on iTunes!

Special thanks to Phillip Harrington for designing and creating the ANNCast logo.

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